With a focus on development in technical and fabrication skills Module 2 aims to progress the concepts of threshold, shadows and movement explored during our precedent study (Module 1) to formulate our own design. We get to explore panelling tools in Grasshopper which is our first encounter with parametric design and through many iterations put together both a laser cut waffle structure with panels and a 3D printed Boolean massing design.
To me a successful pavilion is not one that necessarily blends with the surrounding environment but rather creates a space that can act as a retreat, distances you from the its location and transports you to a carefully created space. It is these elements that I want to explore throughout the development of my pavilion.
To begin I narrowed my exploration to the concepts of movement and lighting. To see how a panelling texture can exaggerate and enhance these elements. Through experimentation with initial surfaces I was inspired by the concept of creating a cave like form. One that looks narrow from the outside, may be dynamic in its textures on the exterior but the interior forms are hidden and not fully exposed until you enter. Creating a sense of disorientation and awe, where no to views are the same and the space can be appropriated uniquely by each individual.
To see the beginning of this design development look below at my design matrix and journal as well as some images of my fabricated models which will continue to inform my design as we move through the semester.